Traveling with Locas por la Aventura is traveling differently

Kara, despite the current situation and uncertainty in Argentina, what drives you not to lower your arms and continue to be a benchmark in the tourism industry?

If we were to draw a line between the last civic-military dictatorship, the emergence of the corralito in 2001 and the economic crisis, after the result of decades of bad state policies and the pandemic, we could find the origin of the two operations that brought me close of death. Still, I’m betting. In 2015 I went to Puerto Rico looking for a love, I found abandonment, a jeep with no brakes, incredible beaches and in 2016 I returned with 56 women and a company created as a result of that experience. Crazy for Adventure is the result of my perseverance or, rather, of my stubbornness.

How do you overcome the economic moment that the country is going through?

I know of no other way than to insist and persist, beyond the fact that the dollar has no ceiling and they put a tax on us even to breathe.

The instability to which governments lead us does not amuse me. I long for the security of feeling supported by a State that values ​​the economic and cultural contribution we make as a tourism company. Although this does not happen, every day we get up to create ideas that help us show what we are: A family that leaves everything to offer women not only a trip, but an experience. We seek to provide the place to connect with destinations, from the deep knowledge of each area, to appreciate flavors, customs, smells and landscapes. Happiness is shared and we want to give that away.

There are already approximately six thousand women who have accompanied us in all these years. And many are the first to say “Here!” when we launch a new destination.

I never thought I would be talking about a dollar at 272, but now that I think about it, that uncertainty about the future is what makes me lose my fear of what might happen. It is what allows me to travel and share with anyone who is encouraged to what we offer. I guess that’s part of what Cerati was referring to when he said, “It’s always today.”

Contact information:

Talajer Travel

Tourist File 17972

Office: 1545 FitzRoy

Telephone: +54 9 1170809713

Instagram: @locasporlaaventura

Facebook: “Crazy for Adventure”


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