Traveler residents of Assen demonstrate for more places for their own children

Caravans for the community center in the Asser Marsdijk district this week. With the protest, caravan residents from Assen want to draw attention to additional pitches, so that their children can also live in a caravan.

The residents of the caravan camp have only one wish, Jannie Vermaning explains: that the children can also live on the plot of land where they have lived for years. There are now three caravans there, but according to Vermaning at least two more places should be added. “We ask from the municipality at least two places for our own children.”

The shortage of places for caravan residents is a national issue and has its origins in the abolition of the caravan law, says Vermaning. “It protected us as caravan residents. It was then abolished, and this later led to the demolition policy. This meant that if parents died and the site became available, children were no longer allowed to use it. No more sites were ever added , with the result: our children cannot live as they are used to in our beautiful culture.”
