Travel to Italy: Liguria. Turchino, Faiallo, Beigua, Sassello, Varazze

There is a ‘Liguria of the sea’, the one represented by the Cinque Terre-Levante-Ponente triptych, and there is ‘Liguria’ as claimed primarily by the inhabitants of the hinterland, scattered in towns and villages perched on the Apennines. They feel different, so much so that a well-known proverb is “Gente de marina, dagghe a man e siraghe a schina!” peace of a Genoese genius (of sea and hills) such as Ivano Fossati who in the masterpiece Those places in front of the sea sings: “And we who are people of Riviera / Where the hearts of adventure pass”. But on our journey, we will see the sea up close only at the end because we decided to stay high, attracted by the charm of the Ligurian Apennines. Other than Aurelia.
