Travel agency offers trips to Ukraine: “Life goes on, even in times of war” | Abroad

Despite international warnings not to travel to Ukraine, a travel agency still offers trips to Russia’s neighboring country. Travelers have to experience what it is like to live in the middle of a war. That writes the American news channel ‘CNN’.

The online platform ‘Visit Ukraine Today’ last month launched guided tours to the so-called “Brave Cities” in Ukraine, which managed to defeat the Russian forces. Tourists embarking on the journey can walk past the rubble of bombed-out buildings, cathedrals, stadiums and burnt-out military equipment, as well as hear the sound of the air raid siren.

Founder and CEO Anton Taranenko emphasizes that the trips to Ukraine offer the opportunity to show “the proud spirit of the citizens” and show the outside world that life goes on, even in times of war. “It’s not just about the bombs, but what’s happening in Ukraine today is also about how people learn how to live with the war and how to help each other,” Taranenko said.

“We are closely monitoring the situation so that we can monitor the different levels of security,” he said. However, international experts currently advise against traveling to Ukraine.

According to ‘CNN’, the company has already sold 150 tickets, one-tenth of which to Americans. The website, which also provides security information, has already attracted 1.5 million visitors in one month, half more than before the Russian invasion.

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