Trash can full? This way the BSR could be brought in to empty

An overfull trash can

An overfull trash can Photo: picture alliance

From BZ/dpa

In the future, “intelligent” public waste bins could report their fill level to the Berlin City Cleaning Department (BSR) via a chip, thereby helping to keep the city cleaner.

“We first just want to try this out in individual districts and then see whether it can be established throughout the city,” said the CDU’s economic policy spokesman, Christian Gräff, to the “Berliner Morgenpost” (Saturday). A pilot project is planned for the center and an as yet undetermined outlying area, the newspaper reported.

This is supposed to work via a so-called RFID chip in public waste bins, which provides the BSR with information about whether the container needs to be emptied. This would prevent the trash cans from overflowing and the waste from spreading around them onto public land.

On the other hand, Gräff expects: “This can really lead to savings for the BSR if you see that certain corners don’t have to be emptied every day.”

In Germany, such “smart” trash cans are already being tested in Mönchengladbach, Krefeld, Neu-Ulm and Frankfurt am Main, according to the report.


BSR garbage in Berlin
