Trapero agrees to be the new ‘examiner’ of the Mossos devices

  • The new Interior proposal keeps the ‘major’ in contact with the day-to-day of the body, as he requested

Josep Lluís Trapero already has a new destination. The ‘conseller’ Joan Ignacio Elena has launched, this Friday, a new offer to the former head of the Mossos, currently, precisely, awaiting destination. Through a high Interior position, he has offered the ‘major’ to lead the DAS (Services Assessment Division), the internal body that is responsible for analyzing and evaluating police devices in order to draw conclusions and not repeat mistakes or insist on successes. The ‘major’ has accepted.

The DAS is, together with the DAI (Divisió d’Afers Interiors), the two entities that evaluate police work, although with different focuses. Thus, the DAI analyzes the behavior of the agents and the DAS analyzes the ‘tactics’ used in all operations. Their inspections can be carried out by indication of a hierarchical superior or, by virtue of their autonomy, at the will of the body. The goal, says the organization chart of the Cos de Mossos d’Esquadra (CME), is to detect “possible dysfunctionalities, training deficits and structural deficiencies”.

stuck to the day to day

As requested by Trapero himself when he rejected the first assignment that was offered to him, the head of the risk analysis department (something that did not please the former head of the CME because it kept him away from the day-to-day work of the body), this assignment makes him depend on the operational structure of the Mossos. Trapero will begin his new assignment at the Les Corts police station next Monday. For a few weeks, and without specific attribution, Trapero has an assigned office at the Plaza de Espanya police station.

The former head of the body will be located from Monday at the Les Corts police station

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Trapero was relieved of the Mossos leadership on December 20, although his dismissal was simmering, and on the 28th he was offered the first assignment. The replacement of the police leadership became, after the also dismissal of Mayor Toni Rodríguez, a matter of controversy between parties (and media hype) as it was linked to an alleged conspiracy maneuver based on an eventual political purge by the ERC that had as its goal objective to cover up cases of alleged corruption of the post-convergence space, something that the ‘minister’ flatly denied.

The ‘major’ is respected the conditions that accompany his rank, including the official car and the escort.


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