Transport saved for thousands of vulnerable people, MVI makes a new start

The bankrupt charity foundation Mobility for Everyone (MVI) from Oosterhout is making a new start. The activities will be taken over by the Limburg organization Saam Doet Het. Curator Floor Wertenbroek from Waalwijk has announced this. With the restart, more than eighty care organizations, mainly in the South of the Netherlands, can continue to take their vulnerable and disabled clients to, for example, day care.

Profile photo of Ista van Galen

Mobility for Everyone has been supplying buses to healthcare organizations at reduced rates since 2014. Two years ago, the foundation was discredited after two directors had transferred more than one million euros from the foundation’s account to their own bank account.

“It was a bit of a sweat, but it worked.”

The Tax and Customs Administration still owed millions of MVI. Earlier this month, the court declared bankruptcy. As a result, the transport of ten thousand vulnerable people was hanging by a thread. A solution had to be found before 1 December. And it has arrived. Curator Wertenbroek: “It was a bit of a sweat, but we succeeded.”

The new owner ‘Saam Doet Het’ is also a provider of care transport. The activities of MVI will be continued from Oosterhout. The fourteen employees who were made redundant can get back to work. In December, further agreements will be made between healthcare organisations, the leasing company and the new owner of MVI. “Transport for the thousands of clients will continue,” emphasizes the curator.

“If the transport is lost, the activities also stop.”

Miel in ‘t Zand of the Topsport for Life foundation in Eindhoven says that they are very happy that they can keep their care bus. He had not expected that MVI would be taken over. “Sometimes it’s against, but now it’s okay,” he responds. “This is really good news, especially for smaller healthcare institutions. If the transport is lost, the activities will also cease.”

The foundation organizes activities and group trips for people living with a life-threatening illness. The care bus that the foundation had on loan from MVI was badly needed for this. “We planned activities with guests next month and a bus trip to Spain is planned for January. It’s great that that can continue.”

According to In ‘t Zand, it is still unclear under what conditions the foundation may keep the bus. “We will only be completely relieved when everything is clear and we know whether we can continue the contracts as they are now under the same conditions. Because if it becomes more expensive, problems will arise anyway.”

Founder MVI frauds for 1.5 million: raids in Made en Dongen

According to the Tax Authorities, senior transport company MVI is no longer a good cause
