Luckily, he doesn’t direct Michael Bay This new installment of the film series based on the animated series based on the Hasbro toy series. That implies that there is a story (minimal, but a story nonetheless) and characters that one can care about enough so that the epic deployment and the pieces of metal that transform into other pieces of metal do not get boring after half an hour, something that inevitably happens with almost all the other films in the series
(excluding the very good Bumblebee).
But as we know, it’s about selling more toys, so in addition to the autobots and of the decepticonsappear the maximalswhich instead of being vehicles that transform into humanoid robotsthey do it in aninaloid robots. Well, that: there is a split artifact to be found; the Autobots want to return to cybertron (sorry to the reader if the names are a kind of hardware salad, but that’s the way it is) and the Decepticons, tear the Earth to pieces. And there is a young man and a girl who witness everything.
What is interesting, in any case, is that this time the transformers they have a personality, they make sometimes emotional decisions and the wonder of computer animation is dosed enough to amaze when it has to amaze. Basically what one asks of this kind of film, and here it complies and dignifies.