Transfers Real Madrid | PSG already puts a price on Kylian Mbappé

07/23/2023 at 12:53 PM


In France, the conditions that Nasser Al-Khelaïfi will demand to transfer the striker this summer

The required amount will not exceed 200 million euros, but will be close to this figure

The relationship between kylian mbappe and the psg has reached, it seems, a point of no return. The French club’s decision to remove its star from the tour of Japan has served to externalize the discomfort in the Parc des Princes with the footballer for not wanting to renew the contract that unites both parties until June 30, 2024. In France, in fact, the first figures on the price that the Parisian leaders will ask for the clubs that wish to obtain the striker’s services this summer are already beginning to ‘dance’.

According to ‘The Athletic’, the price that Nasser Al-Khelaïfi will require will oscillate between 100 and 200 million euros. The information from ‘L’Équipe’ goes in the same direction: PSG will let Mbappé leave before the end of the current transfer market in exchange for around 150 ‘kilos’. Although in the French capital they do not usually listen to offers for their best footballers, the possibility of losing a world star at zero cost next year ‘pushes’ the Parisian leadership to advance the goodbye of ‘7’ by one season. And more taking into account the suspicion that he has everything agreed with Real Madrid.

In recent days, PSG have made it very clear publicly that they want to have the initiative in their pulse with Mbappé. The player maintains the will to fulfill the remaining year of his contract in the Parque de los Príncipes, but his club will carry out all pressure measures within their power to force their departure in the event that they do not agree to renew. The option of leaving him the entire 2023/24 campaign without playing in the stands has already been put on the table.

According to the newspaper ‘AS’, and contrary to what various media outlets have published, PSG He does not plan to veto Madrid. If Florentino Pérez is willing to pay 160-180 million for a footballer who in less than half a year will be free to sign ‘for free’ with any team, the operation will be approved from Paris. The soap opera, which faces its most decisive and interesting chapters, will live a new episode on July 31, when the French leaders must pay approximately half of the 80 million loyalty bonus that they promised Mbappé in the last renewal.
