Transfer words from Beşiktaş presidential candidate Serdal Adalı: During the halftime…

Serdal Adalı, one of Beşiktaş presidential candidates, makes important statements. Speaking about the latest situation regarding the election race, Adalı answered A Spor’s questions.


“There was a tremendous demand from the community to ‘be a candidate’. When I look at Beşiktaş’s situation, whenever we are going through a bad period in these 11 years, I am a candidate. Even though the rumors are circulating in the last 25 days, I just laugh at it. I have always been a part of this community.”

“During the past 3-4 years, we contacted both Ahmet Nur Çebi and Emre Kocadağ 8-10 times. I also expressed my criticisms and solutions. In my character, I started to prepare 1 year in advance, just in case the team went bad.” “There is no starting. They said come, I came. There is no way I can remain indifferent.”

“We have a cost of around 85-86 million euros on the football team side. The foreign quota is also full. We need to make transfers that will somehow increase the quality of this team. If this team, which costs 86 million euros, fails completely this season, it will create a more troublesome situation for next year. “

“We know the problems, we know how to solve them. I did the work very well. I have not seen a single project announced and completed by the presidential candidates, except for the stadium. I said it the day I announced my candidacy, our priority project is to get the team into the Champions League again.”

“Of course, my grandson’s celebration of Icardi made me sad. The same thing was true for us when Quaresma was here. Our rivals were upset then too. God will bring us success. If there is a star among the transfers needed to put this team together, I wouldn’t say ‘it’s too expensive’. I’ll go and get it.” .”

“We will definitely have a ‘Çilek’ transfer for next season. We will get such an opportunity if it comes out during this period.”

“When Querasma was with us, many of my Fenerbahce and Galatasaray friends were saying ‘schedule us a seat in the box, a seat in the stands’. The same was true for us at that time. No one should worry, we will first make the necessary transfers to gather the team. If there is a star among them, ‘it will be too expensive.’ I mean, I’ll pick him up and come back at halftime.”

“Rıza Çalımbay has a request for 3 regions. The reason why this year is like this is an incredibly bad squad engineering. Have you ever thought about the possibility of 8 players going to the African Cup at the same time? There is no answer to what we will do if all of them go. Mehmet Özdilek “Our teacher is working on this issue.”
