Transfer market, when does it start? He decided on the start and end dates

Gravina: “There is dialogue, it is legitimate to propose but it is equally legitimate not to share some proposals”. Casini: “It’s a problem of method”. The market opens on July 1st

The “eligible” liquidity index for registrations to the championships does not slip. The famous 0.5 between current assets and liabilities, with corrections that lower the bar by another third, will be a decisive constraint for obtaining the so-called “national licenses” of 2022-2023. Nothing to do therefore in today’s federal council for the reasons of the Serie A League. The rule on the index will certainly apply to the championship to come but in June, in the federal council, there will be another discussion, on this the request from the Lega di A, for a definitive decision on the programmatic rules concerning the next three years.

No escape forward

“The system is united – says Gravina – We must regain serenity. I understand all the difficulties, but we cannot say we want to control all costs and then spend as we please. I could have approved the programmatic rules immediately, but I wished for a general reflection. No flight forward, some rules are indispensable “. But is there a real dialogue with Serie A? “There is dialogue, it is legitimate to propose but it is equally legitimate not to share some proposals. I have received proposals from Serie A that spoke of a 0.7 … we cannot always talk about the same issue, it is offensive and humiliating” . But how high is the risk level and for how many companies? “Nobody knows because for the documents the delivery date is May 31 (but until June 22 there is time to deposit any pre-contracts, ed). Until then there are only speculations. However, in economics the limit is of 1.5, with 1.2 we speak of pre-fallibility “. And the hypothesis of a sort of white strike with a non-delivery of documents by the clubs? “In this case we exercise a publicistic function. Such an operation would set a point of no return. It is one thing to think about it, one to say it, another to do it”.

“Listen to us”

Lorenzo Casini, president of the Serie A League, returns to explain the position of the clubs: “The theme of the liquidity index is not so much a speech linked to the 0.4 or 0.5, but the way in which the rules are approved Serie A. Postponement to next year? At the moment it has not been deliberated “. These are the words of Casini on leaving the federal council. “Serie A just wants to be heard, as it should be. I arrived in March and certainly the impact of the index close to the championship is a problem that the clubs had already pointed out before my arrival. mediation? Let’s see, the licenses have been approved, we are discussing many issues because the League is working on reforms and infrastructures “.

Market and internship

Market dates have also been approved. Which will, as always, have two sessions, from 1 July to 1 September 2022 and from 2 to 31 January 2023. Also approved with the professional leagues a “training selection process”, an internship for two groups of footballers of national interest (not only Serie A) between 24 and 26 May.
