Transfer market: West Ham-Scamacca official transforming him into … Scammaca!

A five-year contract of 2.5 million euros per season signed. In the video presentation of the blue, the English club got the surname wrong, but put it right in the presentation lines …

From our correspondent Davide Chinellato

July 27

Gianluca Scamacca is officially a new West Ham player. “I’m really happy – says the 23-year-old, who poses smiling in his new number 7 shirt -. The Premier League has always been my dream and now it’s a reality. I’ve been waiting for it for a long time.”

The blue thus becomes the fifth Italian in the Premier League, targeting his debut on 7 August at the London Stadium against defending champion Manchester City on the first day of the championship. Scamacca has signed a five-year contract worth 2.5 million euros per season with the club option for a sixth year. West Ham paid Sassuolo 36 million euros plus 6 bonuses: the blue striker is the third most expensive signing in the club’s history.

First day

The announcement comes at the end of Scamacca’s first, very long day in London. With no typo … In fact, in the blue presentation video, the English club got the surname wrong, writing Scammaca. But putting it right in the presentation lines … Arrived on Monday in the British capital with a private flight from Ciampino, on which in addition to the agent Alessandro Lucci also his mother and sister got on, the attacker showed up at 7 am yesterday morning to the West Ham Sports Center, 40 minutes’ drive from the London Stadium in the East London suburbs, to begin medical examinations. In the Hammers headquarters in Rush Green he stayed there until late, also having the opportunity to meet his new teammates, engaged in that training in which he cannot yet participate. “I think West Ham are the perfect team for me,” said Scamacca. They showed that they really want me and when I talked to the coach there was an immediate understanding ”. It is the same understanding that also transpires from the words of David Moyes, the coach who already imagines Scamacca at the center of his attack: “We have long tried to add more strength to our offensive department and we are happy to have found Gianluca – says the manager of the West Ham -. He is a young man with a bright future ahead of him and arrives with excellent references ”.

Ambitions and fans

West Ham are the perfect team for Scamacca also because they are as ambitious as he is. He spent almost 100 million euros on the market and plans to move again: in his sights Filip Kostic, a 29-year-old Croatian from Eintracht Frankfurt, who has the same agent as Scamacca. Brereton Diaz, a 22-goal Chilean striker in the last season of the Championship with Blackburn, is also aiming. For now, however, the curiosity of the fans stationed outside the training center hunting for autographs, a ritual that mainly involves children and that is repeated every time the team plays, is all for Scamacca, for that Italian giant of 196cm that seems perfect. for the club. “If he shows he gives everything on the pitch, the fans here will love him,” says one of the fans lined up for autographs, as he learns to pronounce the new striker’s name. Even if Italy at West Ham rhymes with Paolo Di Canio: “Had we had 11 like him we would have won the Premier League” says another fan. “I can’t wait to play and show the fans what I can do with the West Ham shirt: I’m sure there will be mutual love,” says Scamacca. If he scores as he promises, the Hammers fans are ready to love him.
