Transfer market | Turn in the future of Neymar


Act at 19:58


Chelsea has begun to move for Neymar, who would welcome the change, according to the ‘Daily Star’

The Brazilian star wants to leave PSG in this transfer market

Neymar, who would be ‘crazy’ to return to FC Barcelona, ​​given the extreme difficulty of the operation, would be studying other ways to leave PSG. The Brazilian considers that his stage in the French capital, as has happened to him in other summers, has come to an end and Chelsea wins integers as one of its possible destinationsas the ‘Daily Star’ points out.

The London team, once they loan Lukaku to Inter, will want to strengthen their attack with a star. The new ‘blue’ project wants to start strong and the arrival of Neymar to the Premier League, would be a real bombshell.

Chelsea has enough financial muscle to complete an operation within the reach of very few. This yes, the performance of Ney keeps on being an incognito. With capacity and ability to be one of the best players on the planet, in recent seasons he has not finished exciting the Parisian fanswhich has sometimes charged against him.

Renewal clause?

From L’equipe it has been pointed out this week that the former Barça player has a clause in his contract that would extend his relationship until 2027, but the intentions of changing the scene would help to unravel the situation.
