Transfer market: Mkhitaryan, Roma relaunches, but the Champions pushes him towards Inter

The Giallorossi with the prizes offer the Armenian 4.2 million, the Nerazzurri a similar amount, but the possibility of playing the Big Cup

It’s M-day. Where M stands for Mkhitaryan, but also for millions, Mourinho, Marotta, mirages and marriages, market and mezzeverity, yes, all attached. Here is a team that has done everything it had to with the Armenian, except the last step, the signing. Does the word count? If the answer is yes, Mkhitaryan will be an Inter player tonight. But since we are in mined territory (another M …), and since in the world of football and the market the whole constitution of possible behaviors is valid, then it is right to treat the topic with a pinch of prudence, still maintaining a small percentage of chance for renewal with Roma.


Because in life there are choices as well as second thoughts. Mkhitaryan who thinks as an Inter player? It happened, guaranteed. Mkhitaryan receiving phone calls from Mourinho to go back on the decision? This also happened, despite the usual denials. For sure, everything will be clearer tonight. Because Roma has given the Armenian player time up to now to respond to the new offer from the Giallorossi club. Friedkin’s club would not have wanted to relaunch, but Mou’s push convinced ds Thiago Pinto to take a step forward. The following: Roma offered Mkhitaryan a one-year contract worth 3.6 million on a fixed basis, plus 200 thousand euros to be added every 15 appearances, up to a maximum of 4.2 million, in addition to team prizes. The contract would be automatically renewed for a second season, until 2024, at the same figures in case of qualification for the next Champions of Rome, or if the Armenian were to play at least half of the matches. The renewal would also be triggered in the event of qualification for the Europa League or the Giallorossi Conference, but at that point it would be in small numbers. Mkhitaryan’s goal is to earn a figure as close to 5 million as possible. Roma think they have done their utmost, also in consideration of the player’s identity card. And even more so bearing in mind how much the Armenian has already earned in his adventure with Roma: in the last three years no one has set aside more money than him among the Giallorossi, between signing and signing award for the renewal of one year ago we are at about 20 million net.


On the one hand, the relaunch. On the other hand, only the waiting. Inter yesterday had no new contacts with the player’s entourage. Simply, because Marotta and Ausilio believe they have done everything necessary to convince him to choose Milan. Proof of this is also the fact of having informed Rome of the negotiation, a formal step that is usually carried out when one is sure of going to checkers with the operation. Zhang’s club, it must be said, does not have a signed contract in its hands. But a promise yes, as explained above. Mkhitaryan has already said yes to the Nerazzurri’s proposal, received before the Conference League final to be played with Roma. For this reason, Inter had asked for confidentiality on the issue. The Nerazzurri club, which will be able to take advantage of the benefits of the Growth Decree on the Armenian, has submitted to the Armenian a contract worth 3.3 million net of a fixed basis, plus mixed bonuses (personal and team) that would lead him to earn up to to 4.2 million. The offer is for a two-year agreement, until 2024. But the Nerazzurri club held the possibility of exiting the contract in June 2023, after the first 12 months, should the midfielder fail to achieve some goals related to appearances. The Nerazzurri take advantage of the possibility offered to the player of the Champions League showcase, something that Thiago Pinto cannot put on the plate.

Mou and Inzaghi

Waiting, needless to say, are the two coaches. Mkhitaryan for Mourinho proved to be a fundamental player in the season just ended. And he would also be in perspective, in consideration of a department – the midfield – which even with the Armenian in the squad should be strengthened, let alone in the event of a farewell. On the other hand, there is Inzaghi, who gave total satisfaction to the operation. The midfield, or rather the alternatives to the three starters Brozovic, Barella and Calhanoglu – was one of the main problems of Simone’s first Inter. Mkhitaryan would guarantee a significant upgrade compared to Vidal, plus a much lower wage. This is why Inter have bet on it. And now he hopes that his word has a real value and not just a perceived one.
