Transfer market Inter, Perisic and Conte between Milan and Tottenham

In the summer of 2019 the coach told Ivan that he would not consider him for his first Inter, three years later he takes him back to Tottenham after the Nerazzurri’s championship: what has happened in the meantime

“I don’t think he is suitable to play the role I ask him. So the only place he can play at the moment is as a forward. On the other hand, I saw Dalbert, who played a game with great application.” To re-read these statements by Antonio Conte, it seems to be in a parallel universe. And instead it is a comment made in July 2019 at a press conference, after a friendly loss to a limited extent in Singapore against Manchester United. The Croatian winger cannot do it – according to the coach – and the answers from the first training sessions are not positive: loan to Bayern Munich, he will talk about it again after a year. Today, A.D 2022, Perisic is one step away from finding the same coach at Tottenham, thanks to a championship won together.

The break

With Conte’s arrival in Milan in 2019, the dogma is the 3-5-2 that brought so many fortunes to the coach. The Croatian, however, is more inclined to a purely offensive role and in the whole range they risk being painful. The coach immediately states that he wants to try it on the left, then he rejects the performances of the pre-season and the attempts as a pure striker are the prelude to the farewell, which materializes in the Bavarian direction before the end of the transfer market session. What’s the problem? Continuity, because Perisic’s ups and downs risk being deleterious across the board, while Conte needs a different player: that role does not seem to be in the strings of the Croatian, who in the 90 minutes and in the season has the involuntary habit of taking on breaks not granted. For Conte it is therefore better to focus on more adaptable profiles and the Croatian ends up winning everything with Bayern.

The feeling found

At the end of the season, without discount, the Germans decide not to redeem Perisic for the established 25 million euros and he returns to the base. At that point the coach and the player return to work together with a sort of pact: Ivan’s desire to make himself available matches Conte’s commitment to mold him to transform him into the image and likeness of the winger he needs. Here, continuity is one of the first characteristics that come to mind today when you think of Perisic, capable this year of touching the “double double” between goals and assists and able last season to become an irreplaceable for Inter Scudetta . With the heavy market sacrifices on the horizon, Conte leaves Milan in 2021, while the winger tries to drag Simone Inzaghi’s Inter to an encore in Serie A: the season closed, now the two are one step away from returning to collaborate , this time at Tottenham. How far is the rejection of three years ago …
