Transfer Market – Inter are looking to Turkey for the future of the midfield

New name for the Nerazzurri midfielder

L‘Inter could probe new markets in search of talent to shore up the squad. At least, that’s what the Turkish network reports Asporaccording to which the Nerazzurri are closely monitoring a midfielder who plays in the Turkish league.

The footballer in question would be Miguel Crespo26 year old Portuguese under al Fenerbahce that this season in 14 games has already signed 2 goals and an assist. It even seems that already this weekend an observer of theInter he will be in Turkey to view it closely and then report to the management. However, it is unlikely that Fenerbahce will be deprived of a holder already in the January market. On the other hand, it is possible that he will do it in June for about fifteen million.


As much as Crespo may be an interesting profile, it is not necessarily an Inter profile. The Turkish championship is certainly not extremely competitive and, although he is still relatively young, the Portuguese is certainly not a promise to the very first weapons. Under the current conditions of the funds, an investment of about fifteen million must be very thoughtful. In a nutshell: who arrives must necessarily be a player from Inter. This is why the vague interest does not necessarily materialize into something more. Especially if a new property with a swollen wallet and other goals should arrive between now and the next summer session.
