Training day for police dogs, ‘we also teach them to detect zombie drug flakka’

Training day for police dogs, ‘we also teach them to detect zombie drug flakka’

Drugs and large amounts of money were hidden on some buses to train the dogs. Stéphane Martens, RIHO Police Zone: “The criminal environment is constantly changing. The drug dogs now also search for cash. And when new drugs come onto the market, we try to anticipate them every time. We try to ensure that our dogs are also familiar with these new products.”

The police have recently been increasingly confronted with the new drug Flakka, also known as the zombie drug. So the drug dogs also have to get to know that smell. “Unfortunately, this has become a very common drug in Roeselare where I work. Our dogs have been additionally trained for this. So our dogs will now also be able to find Flakka or Alfa.”
