Trainer Ivo Martinovic immediately says goodbye to FAST | 1Limburg

ARBO Rotterdam/FAST has to look for a new trainer. Coach Ivo Martinovic has decided to stop immediately at the volleyball club from Gennep.

He took the decision in consultation with the board of FAST.

Martinovic gives the reason for his departure that he experienced the past year as very difficult. “Normally training and coaching give me a lot of energy, but in the past few months my work for the team took more energy than it gave me.” In addition, the corona virus also influenced the coach: “Partly due to corona we were only able to train completely and it was almost impossible to grow the team. I experienced that as quite frustrating.”

The trainer, who comes from Rheden, has decided to stop his work immediately. “By doing this, FAST has the space to orientate itself on a different interpretation of my position and, if desired, to take steps now,” says Martinovic.

two trainers
For the rest of the season, Josha Kailola and Jacek Ziemba will lead the women’s team, which is in tenth place in the Eredivisie. According to FAST, they have already taken care of part of the work so far.
