Train traffic halted again in Amsterdam, it is unclear when trains will run again

It seemed to go well for a while, but the train malfunction at Amsterdam Central has returned, according to ProRail. Train traffic around Amsterdam has been halted again. ProRail cannot guarantee whether the problems will be resolved before tomorrow morning.

“It is extremely uncertain whether the trains will still run tonight,” said ProRail at eleven o’clock in the evening. “We advise you to arrange alternative transport yourself.”

The problems started around half past five this afternoon with a malfunction in ProRail’s traffic control, as a result of which no train traffic was possible to and from Amsterdam Central station. Fewer trains also ran to Haarlem, Schiphol, Zaandam and Weesp.

Thanks to a ‘reset’ of the system, the trains started again around eight o’clock tonight. But that turned out to be short-lived. The outage returned about an hour later.

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