Traffic stands firm: it will start to fine for something that absolutely everyone does

All drivers know this, but practically none complies: according to him General Traffic Regulationswhen we drive by the dual carriageway, we must do it by the right lanea, except when we have to overtake another vehiclein which case We will take the road to the left until we pass it.

Another of the exceptions provided for in the regulation is when “the circumstances of the traffic or the road make it advisable”, for example, when we find ourselves in a traffic jam and all the lanes are collapsed.

Although this rule is well known, it is one of the most omitted by pilots, who have the custom of using one or the other lane indistinctly to travel along the highway. One of the reasons that has perpetuated this malpractice is the difficulty in monitoring it and, therefore, imposing sanctions.

The DGT tightens its control on highways

Tagged with the hashtag “The road is not a circuit”, on November 3 the official DGT account on Twitter recalled that it is forbidden to “circulate in the left and/or central lane without necessity”, since it “reduces the capacity of the road and encourages dangerous manoeuvres” such as overtaking on the right.

In the same publication, the DGT warned that the correct way to circulate is to use “the right lane” and “the right to overtake.” In addition, he also emphasized that “the speed limit is the same in all lanes.”

The tweet from the Directorate General of Traffic is accompanied by a video where you can see from a drone how several vehicles use the left lane and central of a motorway to circulate.

What is the fine for driving in the wrong lane?

Unjustified circulation in the right and left lanes is classified in the General Traffic Regulations as a serious infraction, and the sanction goes up to €200 fine.
