Traffic drama Oud Gastel plunges Bosschenhoofd in mourning: ‘A deep scar’

Bosschenhoofd is in deep mourning after the traffic drama in Oud Gastel, in which two mothers and two children from the village died on Friday evening. The inhabitants can hardly find words to describe the suffering. “It’s terrible. This leaves a deep scar on the village.”

Profile photo of Rene van Hoof

It is quiet on the street in Bosschenhoofd, also at primary school ‘t Bossche Hart. Teachers from the school already gathered on Saturday to process the news. The two children who died were at that school. They were supposed to go to a new school on Monday.

“You don’t want to know what impact that has on the community here.”

Richard Pertijs, a resident of the village, used to work as a janitor in the primary school. He could also be found around primary school on Sunday, with his grandchild. He is deeply touched, he says as he stares at the empty school building.

“The mood in the village is terrible. It’s sad,” says Richard. “They were very nice people who were involved in association life”, Richard refers to the two children and mothers.

“You don’t want to know what impact that has on the community here. It’s terrible. This leaves a deep scar on the village.”

“I just gave my own child an extra hug.”

Another woman rides by with her son on a bicycle. She could hardly believe the news. “It’s the talk of the town,” she says. “I only gave my own child an extra hug. It’s terrible. What else can you do?”

On Friday evening around half past six, things went completely wrong at the intersection of the Blauwhekken with the Roosendaalsebaan in Oud Gastel. Two cars collided with each other. A large Mercedes drilled into the side of a small Toyota containing the victims.

The massive impact killed two mothers and two children. A third child was injured. The driver of the other car, a 27-year-old man from Roosendaal, has been arrested on suspicion of causing a fatal accident and dangerous driving.


Two young children and two women died in an accident in Oud Gastel

Traffic drama Oud Gastel: driver drove dangerously and in a rental car

Primary school in shock after traffic drama Oud Gastel: ‘Emotions run high’
