Traffic chaos on diversion route for Tilburg Fair: ‘It is dramatic’

The construction of the Tilburg Fair has started. Several streets near the fairgrounds will be closed for the next few weeks. But because a detour is not well signposted, traffic chaos ensues. Residents of Nijverstraat and Lange Nieuwstraat speak of a dangerous situation in which parked cars are damaged.

Turn left, turn right. It is a maze just north of the Spoorzone. Part of the streets were already closed due to work, but now even more closed streets have been added.

An example on Wednesday afternoon: a number of car drivers want to drive into a small narrow street that usually has one-way traffic. That is allowed, because the sign ‘no entry’ has been taped up. At the same time, oncoming traffic arrives. A blue car moves back a bit. There is a small hole for parking. He waits as more than ten cars pass him. Now things are going well, but usually there is no room to divert. Cars will then pass each other and then hit parked cars.

“It’s fixed on all sides here,” says a motorist who is waiting quietly behind her wheel. “You are not allowed to go left or right. So I have to go straight, but that is not possible, because oncoming traffic is coming and it is too narrow. It is dramatic.”

“They should just put police here.”

Local resident Ad van Driel: “During last year’s fair, 25 cars were damaged here. That damage does not make you happy. I take good care of my car and then I come home and the whole side is put together.”

And now it is again unclear, says Ad. “Several local residents have sent a message to the municipality, which is now going to adjust the signs. But they just have to put the police here, who ensure that people drive in the right direction. Signs are also ignored, but I do that too, otherwise you won’t get out of the street,” he says.

The municipality admits that the signs are incorrectly placed and will correct this as soon as possible. It is unclear what went wrong, because last year there were also problems in the street and the signs were also adjusted after complaints.

READ ALSO: Traffic jams due to Tilburg Fair: ‘Really a mess’
