Trading Summit, the meeting that brought together the best of the trader community: motivation, community and new promises of the digital world

Amidst laughter, emotion and expectation, the Teatro Avenida room was filled with people from all over Argentina. The reason? The first meeting of Bull Finance Academy, which since 2015 trains investors virtually.

The meeting, which was led by Andrés, was a mixture of camaraderie, happiness and very good energy.

Honoring this first face-to-face meeting with colleagues, the driver asked the attendees to look at the person next to them, say hello and congratulate them for being there. Smiles multiplied throughout the audience. Bright smiles as if they were all old friends. Because the academy founded by Adrián Nardelli has that magic: it makes its entire community of students feel like a family.

That was a bit the objective of this meeting: the connection between the community, that always accompanies them from virtuality.

Today we interview Adrián Nardelli, the conductor of this festival of the trading.

Tell us, Adrián, what is the Trading Summit about?

The Trading Summit is a project that we have wanted to do for a long time. With the whole issue of the pandemic, we had already held a similar event online, but with an empty theater. From that moment, we dreamed of repeating something like this but with an audience and this year we achieved it.

This event brings together experts from the main financial markets, as well as entrepreneurs and fans from the world of trading, of American futures and cryptocurrencies. It was designed to share perspectives on financial markets in a 100% experiential environment.

What were the highlights of the TS?

We made a combination between digital market news and experiences that enriched attendees in the essence of being a good trader profitable.

As an introduction, I opened the event by talking about the keys to consistency, a topic that I consider vital in order to be profitable over time. It’s that, as I always say, Discipline is the key to success with trading. A question that goes beyond how much money you start with in this.

I am always clear with my students about that. The important is work the skill The results come after knowledge, after working to understand how everything works and having the right mentality to be able to carry your emotions in the process.

Later, Gustavo Corvo (who began as a student at the academy and today is one of its most important pillars) followed with a triggering question. “Feel or think? What comes first?” An intimate moment, where he shared his story of fighting against adversity and how the perspective helped him not only to get ahead, but also to help others achieve their goals.

Its closure, with a reprogramming dynamic, filled the theater with positive energy, from the speech of the “I am”. Imagine, the entire theater standing and speaking in unison. It was perfect for tuning in for the rest of the afternoon.

Then came Camilo Rodríguez (a benchmark in the crypto world), one of our assistant professors, with a talk about NFTs and the future of these markets. A topic that opened up many possibilities and left the audience wanting to continue delving into this investment opportunity.

So, I returned to the post with a question that many of my students have: What is it that generates me passive income and why is it so important? let everyone include them as soon as they can.

I explain. Many when they enter the world of trading They think that the objective is to make a living from it and to be millionaires tomorrow. And I’m not saying it’s bad, mind you. However, as with any job or venture, If it’s your only entry, you end up becoming a slave to it.

I always advise to diversify income, as all successful investors also say. Otherwise, you end up operating forced perhaps at times when it is not convenient to do so.

I believe that the secret to achieve your financial freedom, which I like to summarize in “to have money in one pocket and time in the other”, is that: several inputs, such as passive income through properties or digital content, ventures, launches. And of course, with trading like the star

To close the day’s talks, Gastón Firman told those present what the crypto arbitrage and all the advantages it brings. A topic that opens up more investment possibilities, taking advantage of digital markets.

In short, it was an intense and very enriching afternoon for the entire Bull Finanzas family.

All very interesting! I imagine that they were eager for a next edition.

Yes, totally! The idea is to organize the next Trading Summit for next year. Hopefully many new faces will join us.

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