Trade calls for energy price brakes and hardship aid

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – The Central Association of German Crafts (ZDH) is pushing for relief in view of rising gas and electricity prices. “In order to cushion the effect of the gas prices, we are calling for a price brake for wholesalers and also targeted hardship aid for the companies that are still particularly affected,” said ZDH President Hans Peter Wollseifer of the German Press Agency in Berlin.

In order to “slow down” the gas price in wholesale, the ZDH proposes setting a reference price. As a possible reference price, the association brings 150 euros per megawatt hour into play, which corresponds to twice the price just before Russia attacked Ukraine. The state would pay the difference to the current market price. The bills of the gas suppliers would be settled by Trading Hub Europe as a joint venture of the gas transmission system operators on behalf of the state.

From the ZDH point of view, the following should apply to future price increases: companies would only bear a fifth of them themselves, the rest would be taken over by the state – the calculation periods for these jumps would still have to be determined. According to the ZDH, price increases would still be possible and thus also incentives to save and replace gas. This regulation would only be intended for small and medium-sized companies. The gas surcharge to support importers would then no longer apply to them – after all, the importers received the market prices.

“Our companies face the same challenges as private households, but with the difference that possible help for private households is currently being discussed in detail,” complained Wollseifer. Many craft businesses depend on energy price cushioning in order to survive.

According to the ZDH./hrz/DP/zb
