Trade Association: High energy costs weaken purchasing power

The HDE trade association is concerned about private consumption due to the sharp rise in energy prices as a result of the Ukraine war and is calling for targeted relief. Managing Director Stefan Genth said: “The enormous increase in heating and electricity costs weakens purchasing power and endangers the upswing in the domestic economy that is urgently needed after the hard Corona months. There is a great need for action here.”

According to Genth, the Russian war in the Ukraine has led to a situation in terms of electricity and energy prices that is severely testing the financial resources of many trading companies, logisticians and private consumers. There is an urgent need for temporary, controlling intervention by the state, otherwise retailers and consumers are simply overwhelmed in many cases.

In the retail sector, the increase in energy prices is tearing large holes in the calculations. Therefore, the electricity tax must be reduced to the minimum permitted by the EU. In addition, the association advocates a temporary suspension of emissions trading at national and European level. “Because in view of the currently high prices, the trade association believes that there is no need to artificially make energy more expensive.”

In addition, there is a need for relief for consumers with low incomes and support for logistics. “The high diesel prices make it difficult for truck companies to work economically and to maintain logistics under the difficult conditions. That’s why politicians have to introduce a temporary discount for commercial diesel,” says Genth.

The traffic light coalition is currently working on a relief package. Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) had proposed a tank subsidy. (dpa)
