Tracci Guns is playing live from the bathroom because of a panic attack

The US hard rock band LA Guns was recently invited to a concert in Plano, Texas. Before the performance, however, their guitarist, Tracci Guns, was struggling with a panic attack that left him unable to play on stage. Instead of completing the show without him, the band got inventive: Tracci Guns thumped the strings live from a backstage bathroom.

Tracci Guns, a founding member of the band and a true rock veteran, has long suffered from panic attacks, although he actually manages them well. However, intense heat can easily trigger an attack. It was the same with the concert in Texas. on Facebook he wrote: “A lot of people know that I suffer from panic attacks. Even though I have them 95% under control, high heat remains a trigger so I just can’t play in the heat.”

Bassist Johnny Martin then came up with the idea of ​​having Tracci Guns play in the backstage air-conditioned bathroom right behind the stage. A curious but working idea. The band installed the necessary audio equipment in the bathroom so that the concert-goers could enjoy Tracci Gun’s guitar performance in full quality. Anyone who also wanted to see the guitarist had the opportunity to do so via Soical-Media, where Tracci Guns streamed his guitar playing live from the bathroom. At the end of the concert, the 56-year-old came on stage for a moment. Watch a video of the performance here:
