Toxic discharge causes problems with sewage treatment in Echten

A toxic discharge causes problems with the sewage treatment plant in Echten. According to Water Board Drents Overijsselse Delta (WDODelta), bacteria that purify the sewage water have been killed.

To solve the problem, the water board removes the dead bacteria and replaces them with living healthy bacteria. WDODelta expects that the sewage treatment plant will be able to purify the water in the usual way in the course of next week.

It is not yet known which toxic substance it concerns. According to the water board, the problems with the sewage treatment have no consequences for residents. They can simply use the toilet, bathroom, sink and washing machine.

The sewage treatment plant in Echten receives waste water from households, companies and industry from the municipality of Hoogeveen and the largest part of the municipality of De Wolden. In addition, the sewage treatment plant also purifies the sewage water from the cores of IJhorst and Elim.
