Towards Turin-Inter: between tonight and tomorrow exams for Brozovic and De Vrij

During the night Inzaghi decided to give the team a day of rest. The calf fatigue of the two worries the coach

A very tough challenge on a too hard field. Several Inter players complained about Anfield’s pitch – which even looked like a billiard cloth to the eye – and who knows if this is also behind the calf fatigue that first hit De Vrij and then Brozovic. The team returned to Milan late at night and by plane Inzaghi decided to give the players a day off. Better to recharge the batteries in the family after a battle fought in ten by a third and meet in Appiano tomorrow to focus on Sunday night’s match at Juric’s Turin. And then today is the club’s 114th birthday.

Exams between tonight and tomorrow

To check the conditions of Brozo and De Vrij you have to let a few more hours pass. The medical staff has already prepared the instrumental examinations, scheduled in the evening or tomorrow morning also depending on the sensations that will be transmitted by the two concerned after a little rest. Obviously, if even the slightest injury emerged, the two would be out with the Bull. But since the calf is a very delicate part, even fatigue alone must be managed with caution to avoid losing them for a long time. And it cannot be ruled out that the two face a different destiny. Brozo is the most tactically important one, and the fact that he tried to resume yesterday could be a good sign.


Should the two raise the white flag for Sunday, the most probable solution in defense would be the centralization of Skriniar – very effective at Anfield -, with D’Ambrosio arm in arm on the right. In the middle of the field Barella will return, disqualified in the Champions League, but the match with Sassuolo has confirmed that the blue loses a lot of effectiveness on the clods of Brozo. The alternative could be Calhanoglu, for a cleaner ball exit, while with Gagliardini he gains physicality and interdiction. To see how Vidal will recover, exhausted from the 90 ‘of the Cup.
