Towards a nature-inclusive society in 2050 | news item

News item | 17-06-2022 | 09:45

The first Nature Inclusive Agenda was presented at the Nature Summit. This Agenda provides insight into what is needed to achieve a nature-inclusive society in 2050. The Nature Inclusive Agenda contains concrete actions aimed at construction, infrastructure, energy and agriculture.

The Agenda was drawn up by the joint provinces, Staatsbosbeheer, Natuurmonumenten, Landscapes NL and the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality.

Minister Christianne van der Wal for Nature and Nitrogen: “Nature is the basis of our existence. Nature provides clean drinking water, clean air, healthy soil and sufficient pollinators. We’ve just neglected nature for too long. While we are so dependent on it. That is why we must restore nature and make better use of the power of nature in solving social issues. This requires a different way of thinking and acting. The Nature Inclusive Agenda helps us with that.”

Making society inclusive of nature contributes to achieving European and international goals and agreements on biodiversity and sustainable development. Deputy Peter Drenth, chairman of the Vital Countryside Committee of the collaborating provinces: “More nature in villages and cities makes the living environment more beautiful and better. It also contributes to enhancing biodiversity and species richness in nature reserves. The Agenda is therefore good for nature and for people! The Agenda is therefore also an appeal to all parties that want to join this approach”.

Nature-inclusive working is not new. We are increasingly taking nature into account and using nature’s resolving power, for example in roads and canals. The Nature Inclusive Agenda must strengthen and accelerate this with concrete actions. Examples of actions are a national vision on nature-inclusive construction, stimulating nature-inclusive solar parks, ensuring that public funding has a positive effect on biodiversity, and new standards for ecological roadside management.

Deputy Huib van Essen, chairman of the committee that also deals with Spatial Planning and Housing: “Building with an eye for nature does not happen by itself. That is why we draw up standards and frameworks for more green. You want every building plan to include from the start that sufficient recreational greenery is being realised. ‘Green grows with you’ is the motto”.
