Tourism in the Oder region suffers from the environmental catastrophe

In Lebus, volunteers picked up most of the dead fish over the weekend.  The birds therefore find only a few dead prey

In Lebus, volunteers picked up most of the dead fish over the weekend. The birds therefore find only a few dead prey Photo: Olaf Selchow

From BZ/dpa

The massive fish kill in the Oder also affects tourism in the region on the river.

There are far fewer day trips and people who have not yet planned trips on the Oder-Neisse cycle path are currently refraining from doing so, said the managing director of the Seenland Oder-Spree tourism association, Ellen Russig, of the German Press Agency.

The association also includes the particularly affected district of Märkisch-Oderland, which is around 80 kilometers in length on the Oder to the border with Poland. “The environmental catastrophe will have long-term effects where we have to take countermeasures,” Russig made clear. Among other things, fishing tourism and canoe trips are affected. According to them, 50 percent of tourism in the region consists of day trips, and the other half are overnight stays.

At the tourist information center in Oderbruch and Lebuser Land, the phones have not been ringing since the environmental disaster became known, as head Angelika Fuchs reported on Wednesday. Numerous people who had planned trips asked about the situation and whether it was dangerous on the Oder. But there is also great solidarity. “A lot, a lot of people are thinking and asking how they can help.”

Fuchs was unable to provide any information on the number of cancellations. Since Corona, guests have been in direct contact with the landlords, so there is no overview.


Fish & Seafood Oder-Spree Environmental Protection
