Tour with Melendo: closer to renewing


Act at 17:30


On June 30, 2022, Oscar Melendo ends contract with RCD Espanyol. A purebred parakeet that has gone through all the categories of blue and white youth football. The negotiations, until now, have not come to fruition and even everything seemed to indicate that the attacker had a foot and a half out of the club. The entity’s position is clear. Espanyol made a renewal offer before the end of the year and it is the last one they are going to make.

The positions were distant but the situation has changed in recent days according to ‘RAC1’. Melendo is studying the proposal again and is closer to accepting it than refusing to sign. A Dembélé case in reverse.

The differences

The club’s renewal offer was far, in economic terms, from what Melendo’s representatives were asking for. The offensive midfielder wants to collect two million euros gross and Espanyol it will not exceed 1.2 gross ‘kilos’ per year.

This figure is broken down into two sections. A fixed gross million and the other 200,000 would be paid based on variables fulfilled during the season. That difference between what some ask for and what others give left Óscar almost out of the club next year. It seems that the sentiment and especially the player’s increased prominence in recent weeks has turned the state of the negotiations.

To put it in numbers, Melendo started LaLiga without playing any minute in the first three games and in February he has played 46% of the minutes in the domestic competition. A total of 13 games in which he has been a starter in 11. We have played 24 games in the league and he had added three starts in a row until the derby, where he did not jump onto the pitch. To these numbers we must add three more games in the Copa del Rey. In short, he is not a key piece for Vicente Moreno but he is a good alternative in his plans.

Morlanes, pubalgia

The one who will surely lose prominence in the coming weeks is Manu Morlanes. After the tests carried out on the midfielder on loan from Villarreal, the forecasts are for pubalgia. There was talk of discomfort in the groin and abductors but pubalgia hits the team again. Javi Puado already suffered it at the beginning of the season. He had him KO’d in seven league games. Morlanes was going to miss the match against Sevilla due to suspension and the match against Villarreal due to contract. There are no deadlines.


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