Tour organization warns teams against protests, De Gendt extends contract | Tour de France

The organizer of the Tour de France has warned the participating cycling teams about possible delays on the Dutch highways due to farmers’ protests. Thomas de Gendt extended his contract with Lotto Soudal.

The Tour caravan travels today from Denmark to the French west coast, where the Tour continues on Tuesday with a stage from Dunkirk to Calais. The organizing ASO has informed the teams that traffic jams can arise on Dutch roads due to farmers who use tractors to protest against the government’s nitrogen policy.

“It’s not that we avoid the Netherlands, but we have been warned about it,” says the spokesperson for the Dutch team Jumbo-Visma. “Both within our own organization and by the ASO. You can cross the Netherlands if you want, but that is not the most logical choice given the route.” Most teams drive from Denmark through Germany and then cross the border at Limburg towards Antwerp. From there they drive on to Dunkirk.

“That is doable, we have not experienced any delays at all,” said the spokesperson. The cyclists already went by plane from Denmark to France on Sunday evening, all team buses and team cars followed on Monday.

De Gendt continues longer

Thomas De Gendt will also drive for Lotto Soudal for the next two years. The 35-year-old De Gendt is described by his team as ‘escape king’. He has already won a stage in all the Grand Tours, even two in the Tour and Giro.

De Gendt triumphed in May in the eighth stage of the Tour of Italy. The Belgian was the strongest of a leading group of four in Naples. “Thomas De Gendt in the attack in a Lotto Soudal jersey, that is a very familiar image for all cycling followers,” says team boss John Lelangue. He has been riding for Lotto Soudal since 2015.

Thomas de Gendt. © photo: Cor Vos

,,In this team I have been allowed to become the rider I have always wanted to be: an attacker,” said De Gendt. “Although it is getting more and more difficult for me, my ambition remains to win games.” He is now missing from the Tour de France, but will probably participate in the Tour of Spain in the autumn.

De Gendt won the mountains classification in the Vuelta in 2018. In 2012 he finished third in the general classification of the Giro. His honors list includes stage victories in numerous stage races.

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