Tour of Spain: Defending champion Roglic wins fourth Vuelta stage

Status: 08/23/2022 5:58 p.m

Defending champion Primoz Roglic won the fourth stage of the 77th Vuelta on Tuesday (08/23/2022). With the day’s success, the Slovenian also took the lead in the overall standings.

After 152.5 kilometers from Victoria to Laguardia, the professional cyclist from Slovenia confidently prevailed in front of former world champion Mads Pedersen from Denmark and the Spaniard Enric Mas. Roglic also took the lead in the overall standings. The 32-year-old had won the tour in the past three years.

  • Vuelta, 4th stage
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Difficult stage for sprinters

The fifth stage of the Tour of Spain also leads through the Basque Country on Wednesday. On the 187.2 kilometers from Irun to Bilbao, the Alto del Vivero has to be conquered twice in the final phase. The 4.6-kilometer climb is in the second category and has an average gradient of eight percent. The final might be too difficult for the sprinters.
