Tour: Mohoric, beyond Sanremo there is more

The Slovenian, who triumphed at Sanremo 2022 after a phenomenal dive, is a very intelligent boy who knows how to make everyone laugh: “I’m not Pogacar, to win I always have to invent something”

Alexandra Gardens

The brilliant friend has won another one. Third stage of the Tour after those of two years ago, and after the triumphs at the Giro (Gualdo Tadino 2018) and at the Vuelta (Cuenca 2017). However, the success that changed Matej Mohoric’s career is that crazy descent on Sanremo in 2022: his first classic monument. “It is not my life that has changed, but the way others look at me”. In groups they mark him because they know he’s lethal, but in the quiet phases of the race – now increasingly rare – everyone looks for him because he’s fun. Passionate about food, psychology and metaphysics, Matej reads everything he finds at hand, is interested in everything, memorizes and never forgets. Wout Poels, another one who found a day of glory on this Tour, gave him a name that has stuck with him: Matej-pedia. When he published his autobiography, for now only in Slovenian, he turned it into MOHOpedia.
