Tour continues as planned despite trapeze accident

Helene Fischer was hospitalized after an accident during her concert in Hanover on Sunday (June 18). She gave herself medical treatment. A spokeswoman for the Schlager singer has now assured the fans that the tour can continue as planned despite the incident. The next dates are scheduled for August 25th to 30th in Cologne after the summer break.

The concert promoter Live Nation has reported that Fischer is “doing well given the circumstances”. There are no further details about the injury at the moment.

Helene Fischer hung from the trapeze for one of her artistic performances. As she dropped to be caught by her partner, she banged her head on the gym apparatus. A fan shared a shot of the accident on Twitter.

It was only in March that the artist suffered a rib fracture during rehearsals, which is why she had to postpone her tour. “I really tried everything to suppress the injury, but the acute pain and the urgent medical advice to protect my body force me to make this difficult decision for me,” said Helene Fischer in a personal statement to her fans at the time.
