Tour | Bergkönig Geschke: A little glory again on the tour

Mountain King Simon Geschke enjoyed the view of the Alps from the Hotel “Le Castellan” and took it easy on the rest day of the Tour de France.

The 36-year-old sat on his bike for a good hour, his helmet and pants already had the design of the famous white jersey with the red dots. “The day break was necessary. Now I’m trying to keep the jersey as long as possible,” Geschke told dpa. The Berliner gets his mountain jersey on Tuesday morning. On the stage to Megève it should be possible to keep the lead in the mountains classification.

“The result makes us feel good now”

At home in Freiburg you are now full of tour fever. Geschke’s dog Jimi, a French bulldog, posed for a photo in the garden wearing a mountain jersey. “I don’t even know if they bought a jersey specially. The picture came from my mother-in-law,” said Geschke. His dog had already become a bit of a celebrity on social media two years ago through a video when he enthusiastically welcomed Geschke at the train station after his Tokyo Olympics, which had been shattered by a corona quarantine.

Due to his own history and the Corona failure of his captain Guillaume Martin, Geschke had respect for the mandatory tests of the tour. The veteran received his negative result on Monday morning. “The relief was huge. I was sitting next to Guillaume on the bus, so I was worried. We’re in good spirits now because of the result,” said Geschke.
