Touching opening from Sergey Hilman in the first episode of Survivors Finland

Sergey Hilman opens up to his fellow competitors about his feeling of being an outsider.

Sergey Hilman is a TV personality and podcast host. Miia Sirén

Survivors of Finland the new season starts on Sunday, August 27. In the first episode, we see touching moments when media personality Sergey Hilman opens up to his camp partners about his experience as an outsider.

Hilman talks about the topic in the men’s camp on the second morning of the competition. He talks Constantinos “Gogi” Mavromichalis, Teemu Roivainen and Roope Ranniston with, when the group fetches water and vents their feelings at the start of the competition.

– I was alone here quite a lot. It was quite an outsider feeling anyway, Hilman says about his thoughts on the first day.

Mavromichalis asks if Hilman is feeling better now.

– Today, yes, because I said so. For example, Roope suhunu and To Lloyd (Libiso) has been the most difficult for me to get in touch with, Hilman answers.

Painful memories from his youth have come to mind in the situation.

– It reminds me of middle school, when the boys didn’t want to have anything to do with me.

Competitors are divided into men’s and women’s teams. Sergey Hilman is standing second from the right in the picture. Lars Johnson

The other three men praise Hilman for speaking his feelings out loud.

– I’ve had that feeling, especially if you’re talking, I can’t get a word out of my mouth, which wasn’t a problem for me before, Hilman says.

Later, he states to the cameras in an interview that talking about it made him feel better.

– After I have talked things over with the boys and everyone knows how black feels, I feel much lighter, says Hilman.

Hilman has previously been seen on TV in series Good Luck Guys and Marko Björs – Adventure of love.

Survivors Finland starts on Nelose and Ruudu on Sunday, August 27. See all program information and broadcast times on Telku.
