Totti on the Rome transfer market: “I’d leave my 10 in Dybala”

The former Roma captain spoke to Sky about Paulo and beyond: “I don’t give advice to Zaniolo. If one really wants to stay, he’s ready to do anything. Mkhitaryan at Inter? It would be a serious loss.”

Dybala, Mkhitaryan, Zaniolo: Francesco Totti speaks again. On Sky, the historic Roma captain focuses on the Giallorossi market, starting from the now ex Juve: “I talked to him about some things, I think he has understood, but it is not only up to him to decide what his future will be. If I would willingly give in. number 10? If he wanted to take it, yes, but as far as I know he doesn’t want it. I think he would take number 21 – Totti’s words – Who would I like if Dybala didn’t arrive? It depends on the economic potential of the company “.

Zaniolo and Micki

From Paulo to Nicolò Zaniolo, poised between renewal and transfer market: “I don’t have to give him any advice, these are personal decisions. If he really wanted to stay at Roma, he would do anything. Mkhitaryan at Inter? Roma would lose a lot. Yes. he is a great player and a great person, he showed his value. He would help Inter become even stronger “, admits Totti. Finally, it is impossible not to mention the possibility of his return to Trigoria: “I’ve always said that marriages are made in two. Would I like a new marriage? I’m already married”. He laughs, Totti, and closes the topic. Perhaps.
