Totti da Noemi, the photos on Chi of the night before the farewell with Ilary

On the weekly “Chi” the last shots of the former captain intercepted in front of the residence of the woman who is said to be among the causes of the break between the Giallorossi symbol and Blasi

Totti and Ilary at the terminus. While waiting for the announced press release to certify what seems to all intents and purposes the end of a great love, there is also the weekly Who. Which not only confirms the breakup, but also publishes the exclusive images that confirm the bond between Francesco Totti and Noemi Bocchi.


Two days before the announcement, in fact, Totti was at Noemi’s house from 8.30pm to 2.30am, accompanied by a friend on board a Smart. The historic captain of Roma went to the woman’s house, leaving his car in a parking lot and letting his friend take him. And then, always together with him, he went back to get his car back late at night. Who he also adds other details: a good part of the crisis would have started from when Totti would have read some compromising messages on his wife’s phone. There are rumors of a relationship with a handsome young man for whom Blasi would have literally lost her head and whom she would have attended away from the spotlight during her trips to Milan to lead The island of the famous. So when Totti denied the crisis, the break was already underway, but the Roma number one tried to do everything possible to the last to protect his children.
