Toten Hosen frontman would no longer refuse military service

Campino said he was observing the global political situation with concern – and commented on the war in Ukraine and a possible military build-up in Germany.

The Toten Hosen singer is currently undergoing a political rethink. Against the background of the war in Ukraine, Campino talks about his former conscientious objection:

“I personally refused military service in 1983. Under these circumstances, if I got my call-up now, I probably wouldn’t do that anymore,” Campino told Focus.

Upgrade as a necessity?

European cohesion is of particular importance, as Campino emphasizes: “We are just learning impressively why an identity as Europeans is so important and why we have to be a community of values”. “Unfortunately, that also has something to do with rearmament. We cannot afford to be completely defenseless against despots like Putin, who lives out old fantasies of power. You can only stop a man like that if he also has respect for the other side.”

At the same time, he regrets that social concerns are being pushed into the background due to the military unrest. Accordingly, this is “a dramatic tragedy, because all this money that we will spend on armaments in the future, we could damn well use for our social system, daycare centers, schools, public infrastructure and last but not least the fight against climate change.”
