Total Energies maakt woekerwinsten, help the climate at sea and is located. Why the sponsor deal with the openable omroep?

Steven Vromman is a life activist, author and Low Impact Man.

Steven VrommanSeptember 6, 202203:00

De overstromingen in Pakistan, de hitte en droogte in Europe, de ungeziene hittegolf in China, de door droogte veroorzaakt Hongersnood in de Hoorn van Afrika. Jawel, over al deze phenomenal report de openbare omroep regularly. Because of this, there are changes in the structure of the link that must be extreme, from the impact of the people and the climate change. You think that there are serious problems with the open area.

Maar blijkbaar is that not het geval. Tijdens Any known Maakt de openbare omroep dagelijks advertisement for TotalEnergies. It will be long since the fossil fuels suffer from climate change. If the knowledge of a requirement is for the winst margin, TotalEnergies spends a lot of money on greenwashing and disinformation.

The avenues to be completed would have to be done without me doing the same work. Maar he is sea. In deze tijd van exploderende energieprijzen blijkt TotalEnergies megawinsten te maken. Daarover kunt u sea lezen on the site of the VRT. Toch heft dezelfde omroep er geen problem mee om zich te late sponsoren door dit bedrijf dat megawinsten maakt ten koste van de gezinnen en bedrijven. More, I’m reading op VRT NWS Eveneens dat TotalEnergies profiteert van de oorlog in Russia by kerosene te verkopen voor de Russian bombers.

Same figure: Total Energies is a requirement for the winter season, the climate and the wind help, bombardment may be possible and negligible. So do you think that someone is open to you even if you don’t think a sponsor deal is going to happen? No, no, it isn’t true that the kijkers have a logo in the middle of the street and in Ludiek kwisje.

Moraal van het verhaal: uiteindelijk zijn de inkomsten belangrijker dan het klimaat. There will be warnings on televisie in Kranten and on the road massa’s advertisement for terreinwagens, vliegreizen, terraswarmers and cruisereisen. It is met de speeches that we are entitled to book in the strijd tegen de seavoudige milieucrisis. So long the economic concerns are prioritized krijgen op gezondheid en natuur blijven we koers zetten diring afgrond.

The reason why there is no commercial interest is that there is a large amount of money in the amount of wasted money. Maar dat een openbare omroep acttief gaat meewerken aan greenwashing is ontoelaatbaar. Covered by the logo, by other sponsors, by clicking on the item in the program.

En misshien is here also a taak gelegd voor de overheid. Net so as advertising for rocks is, can be listed as soon as the promotion of fossil fuels and combustion engines out of the public ruimte te bann. We want to know more – thanks to the available information from the open area – that is a shame from fossil fuels that exceed many times.
