Total crisis in La Libertad Avanza: they abandon the space due to Milei Macri’s agreement

The splinters of Milei’s agreement with Macri are already beginning to be seen. In a harsh statement, a large block of legislators from La Libertad Avanza decided to leave the space. “Macri is our ideological and moral limit,” they say. Total crisis in the libertarian space.

The statement is signed by the elected deputies Pablo Ansaloni (Buenos Aires), Lisandro Almirón (Corrientes), Gerardo González (Formosa), the national senator Ivana Arrascaeta (San Luis), the Mercosur parliamentarians Fabiana Martin (Corrientes), Fabricio Cascino (Neuquén ), Mario Nallar (Jujuy) and David Ocaña (San Luis) and the provincial deputies Gladys Liliana Salinas (Entre Ríos), Carlos Alberto Damasco (Entre Ríos) and Julia Esther Calleros Arrecous (Entre Rios). “We remember that during the Presidency of Engineer Mauricio Macri, decisions have been made such as taking on the largest debt in Argentine history, mortgaging future generations, even those who have not yet been born. This makes it a point for us: morally and ideologically it is our limit,” says the harsh statement.

“We thank Javier Milei for having been part of the construction of a National space in record time, which has won a Presidential PASO and in his first presentation has managed to reach the Ballotage competing for the first magistracy. A different Argentina is impossible with the same always”, he closes.

The massive abandonment of space legislators has already had its first impact. Behind closed doors, eyes rest on Carlos Kikuchi, the man who was responsible for the national assembly of La Libertad Avanza, as the main person responsible. And this desertion, furthermore, promises not to be the last.

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