Tot 1 million people in organizations met by failure of cryptocurrency FTX

FTX en ruim honderd other conditions in the imperium of Bankman-Fried vroegen last week het faillissement aan, maar pas maandag zijn de nodig documents ingediend bij de Rechtbank, writing onder others The New York Times. In the documents state telezen dat he een miljoen persons en organizations met zijn door het faillissement. That toot the stretching followed by the instorting of the Bankman-Frieds empire.

For more details, see FTX advocates to report that they are in contact with “tientallen” regulators that were located in the American federal park. Bovendien is het bedrijf slachtoffer van een cyberaanval.

Maandag schreef ‘The Wall Street Journal’ Also, that Bankman-Fried still has steeds on the subject. The FTX oprichter stumbled op as CEO last week, but then he had to do the open weekend around the world with the amount of 8 million dollars in the bookkeeping and help poetry.

FTX was in trouble to bleek the cryptocurrency money from clients transferred to Alameda Research, and other needs from Bankman-Fried. That capital will then be used for risky transactions.

Het imperium rond FTX stortte as a kaartenhuisje in Elkaar, waardoor Bankman-Fried zijn fortune van 16 million dollars in rook zag opgaan. Clients can never use cryptograms in other documents that were sent to the FTX. De kans dat beleggers hun money terug zien, lijkt op dit moment small. Het debacle also worries about onrust in the rest of the cryptosector. Bitcoin lost 22 percent a year last week.
