Torrential rains | Storm in Zaragoza of hail and rain


07/06/2023 at 20:24


In just 20 minutes an intense rain accompanied by hail has fallen in the Aragonese capital

The storm is traveling from west to east throughout the province of Zaragoza

shortly before 6:00 p.m. It has started to rain heavily in Saragossa, one rain that has soon been mixed with hail of a considerable size. The storm, which has not yet left the Aragonese capital, has lasted for about 15 minutes, causing significant damage that is still being evaluated.

The intensity with which the rain has fallen has soon caused the streets to become authentic rivers. On Avenida Navarra, for example, in front of the Delicias Station, the water almost completely covered the wheels of the cars. The containers floated and the current has come to drag them in some cases.

As reported by the Zaragoza City Hall, the tram has been in interrupted service since the storm began to unload with force. At 19.20 the complete line was already working. The latest has been to drain the section between the Rio Ebro campus of the University of Zaragoza and Adolfo Aznar, where the water has accumulated in the motorway underpass. Previously it had to be verified that the entire layout was fine to resume service.

Regarding the buses, the most difficult areas to travel have been Madrid avenue, due to the sewage system, which was overflowing, Torrero and Valdespartera. The rains have caused some lines to be diverted. “The situation is a bit complicated”, they have reported from the consistory in a first assessment of the situation.

For its part, the Local Police is regulating the passage at those intersections and sections of roads that have been flooded by the fall of hail, which drags leaves and floods the drains. The final section of Avenida Navarra is one of the points where the most important conditions are recorded, but unpublished images have also been seen on the Z-30, in the section that goes between the Local Police station and Príncipe Felipe. There people have had to get out of their cars and climb on the roof of the vehicles to prevent the current from taking them away.

Other areas heavily affected by the rain have been Galán Bergua street, Juan Bautista Lasalle, Salomón and Reina de Saba streets and some other areas of the Left Bank, although they have been spread throughout the city. Incidents have also occurred in areas of Valdespartera, on the Pilón road, in Majas de Goya and the Actur area, in San Juan de la Peña and Valle Broto, in Salvador Allende, in Casablanca, at various points in the downtown area, on Paseo Echegaray, on Vía Hispanidad, in San José, on Paseo Renovales and on Paseo Ruiseñores.

The fire divers

However, despite the intensity of the rainfall, the Police have not had to deal with any accident with injuries caused by the storm, “although there have been a couple of hits without much significance.”

The water has also damaged the traffic lights in some area, such as the avenue City of Soria or Caminos del Norte. In these cases, and in others, the Local Police is regulating at the crossings.

Regarding the bus, there conditions in lines that circulate through streets such as Tulipán, Rioja and interior passage of Parque Goya, Bombarda, Valle de Broto, La Coruña street and Fray Julian Garcés and Arcosur at the height of the golf course.

For its part, the municipal company Ecociudad, in charge of sanitation and sewerage in the city of Zaragoza, has deployed nine teams through the streets. First they have had to wait for the supply network to unload because opening some evacuation pipes could be even worse.

At 7:30 p.m., once the storm had subsided, the Firefighters were working in more than 70 services, which they had to attend to simultaneously, giving priority to the most serious incidents.

In the Parque Venecia area, an hour after the storm, there were still 7:30 p.m. people trapped in their vehicles. Even the divers of the Firefighters They have had to come to help in the rescue efforts. At this time, yes No injuries are known to have occurred.
