TorinoDanza 2023 and the September festivals not to be missed

«Restablish an overall vision of the state of the art of contemporary dance” is, as artistic director Anna Cremonini explains, the spirit of TorinoDanza 2023. Thus was born a program that offers 33 shows with 15 companies and artists from 7 countriesas well as Italy of course.

Eleonora Abbagnato and dance in museums: «It can bring these wonders to life»

Dance increasingly speaks different languages, has developed a strong sensitivity to social issues and a particular attention to human beings. As it shows ab [intra]the journey into human existence by the Sydney Dance Company, directed by choreographer Rafael Bonachela.

Among the other events on the bill, Dialogue Three: In a Landscapechoreography and direction by Alessandro Sciarroni, Grand jetéwith Silvia Gribaudi’s MM Contemporary Dance Company which plays on the metaphorical value of this famous dance step, S 62° 58′, W 60° 39′ (South 62 degrees 58 minutes, West 60 degrees 39 minutes), coordinates of a point in an arctic desert, the starting point for the Belgians in Peeping Tom to talk about man’s relationship with the planet.

“ab [intra]” by the Sydney Dance Company (photo by Pedro Greig).

INFO: Turin, Fonderie Limone, Laundry a Vapore, until 25 October.

A woman with a kaleidoscope

Through Her Eyes. Timeless Strength it is “a journey into the eternal feminine” signed by the English photographer Max Vadukul. Forty large format black and white shots, to tell the story of the Russian top model Ludmilla Voronkina Bozzettimuse of the author who dedicates to her “this tribute to her ability to personify the variety of characters I imagined”.

The top model Ludmilla Voronkina Bozzetti in a photo by Max Vadukul.

Complete the route Respectvideo installation of Massimiliano Finazzer Flory. Above: photo by Max Vadukul.
INFO: Milan, Chiostro delle Galleried’Italia, from 18 September to 19 November.

Contemporary notes

Industrial spaces, uninhabited buildings, high altitude meadows host Transart 23, the festival that speaks all the languages ​​of the contemporary. There are Thomas Bangalterhere composer of a mythological work, the shamanic percussionist Robyn Schulkowskythe choreographer and dancer Carlo Massari.

Maki Namekawa in “Pianographique” (photo by Florian Voggeneder).

Not to be missed, at the NOI Techpark in Bolzano on the 21st, Pianographique – Music and Images by Humans and Machines where artificial intelligence “meets” the unforgettable The Cologne Concert by Keith Jarrett.
INFO: Alto Adige, in various places, until September 28th.

Long live Verdi

Rich program for Green Festival which opens with the Verdi Street Parade through the streets of Parma and culminates with On golden wings in Peace Square. Among the new features, three setups: The Lombards at the First Crusade, The Troubadour, Falstaff. Everything in the world is a joke signed respectively by Pier Luigi Pizzi, Davide Livermore and Manuel Renga.

Manuel Renga (photo by Sara Magni).

INFO: Parma and Busseto, different locations, until 16 October.

Pencils and imagination

After Milan (until the 17th, at the Sforzesco Castle) the journey continues Drawing Festival, dedicated to those who want to experiment with creativity between pencils, brushes and colours. More than 300 events – including workshops, meetings with experts – await the public from the Aosta Valley to Sicily.

“Ciuffo”, Illustration by Lucio Schiavon

INFO: throughout Italy, various locations, until 15 October, Fabriano.

Meeting points

Art, theatre, music on the program of Footprints 2023. There are Enrico Ruggeri in the format I also accepted the risks of talking about it down at the barEzio Guaitamacchi, Davide Van De Sfroos and Andrea Mirò (in the role of Joan Baez) who in A man called Bob Dylan they tell the life of the Duluth minstrel.

For the entire duration of the event the exhibition will be held in the foyer of the Milanese theatre Labroniswith works by Dario Ballantini and Stefano Pilato who transforms waste transported from the sea to the beach into works of art.
INFO: Milan, Teatro Filodrammatici, from 18 to 24 September.

