Top restaurant 212 has to close for months after fire | Stan Huygens Journal

Chef Richard van Oostenbrugge, who owns the two-star restaurant together with chef Thomas Groot, discovered the fire on Saturday morning. “It was in the basement where the utility room is. Everything is blackened down below,” says Van Oostenbrugge. “There is a washing machine, a central heating boiler. It was probably a closure.”

The mood was very different in 212 when it turned out last year that the restaurant had received a second Michelin star.  From left to right kitchen chef Raymond Plat, sommelier Daphne Oudshoorn with daughter Bobbi, her partner Richard van Oostenbrugge and Thomas Groot.  Richard and Thomas are the chefs and owners of 212.

The mood was very different in 212 when it turned out last year that the restaurant had received a second Michelin star. From left to right kitchen chef Raymond Plat, sommelier Daphne Oudshoorn with daughter Bobbi, her partner Richard van Oostenbrugge and Thomas Groot. Richard and Thomas are the chefs and owners of 212.

All the special wines are located next to the room where the fire broke out. “I saved a life on that,” explains Van Oostenbrugge. ,,Everything is gone. You will never get that back.”

Although little of the fire can be seen in the restaurant area. But there is smoke damage and there is a strong burning smell. “The whole thing has to be taken apart,” according to the chef. “The experts have already been there. They say we have to take into account that it will take three to four months before we can open again.”

While all corona measures for the catering industry are just over…
