Top crowds at security companies due to relaxation with carnival

The phone is not yet red hot, but it is very busy. In view of the upcoming relaxations and carnival, many cafes and other catering businesses use security companies.

Roy Martin is commercial manager at security company Promeon Security in Oirschot. “Over the past few days we have had about twenty assignments for the deployment of our security officers. And I expect a few more calls in the coming days.”

“There is currently a lot of demand for security guards. If the relaxation of the corona measures is announced on Tuesday evening, I suspect that the demand for security guards will increase even further.”

According to Martin, the security company is already receiving the necessary requests from North Limburg and Brabant. “Our security officers are mainly deployed at cafes, small events or eateries that are going to do something different during Carnival.”

According to Martin, the crowds correspond to other carnival years. “Now it is two to three security guards per café or restaurant, in other years it was often larger projects. We can handle a lot and if necessary we can hire extra security guards from companies we work with.”

It could just be that the Oirschot security company will have to call on fellow companies on Wednesday. “There is a shortage of security guards. We may have to say no at some point. Some bars will then be without security guards at Carnival.”


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