Toonkunstkoor Emmen receives Royal Medal of Honor – RTV Drenthe

Toonkunstkoor Emmen has received the Royal Medal of Honor from Jetta Klijnsma, the King’s Commissioner. The medal of honor was awarded because of the choir’s 75th anniversary in 2020 and the special place that the Toonkunstkoor Emmen occupies in the cultural offer of Southeast Drenthe.

The Royal Medal of Honor was originally supposed to be awarded in 2020, but the corona measures stood in the way of the festivities then. Now the medal of honor was awarded during a jubilee concert in the Atlas Theater in Emmen.

Since its foundation on November 1, 1945, the Toonkunstkoor Emmen aims to perform classical choral works by well-known and lesser-known composers for the widest possible audience. This is done under the direction of a professional conductor at the highest possible level for amateurs. Professional or experienced amateur orchestras and professional soloists are contracted for the accompaniment.

At many concerts, the choir offers good regional singers the opportunity to sing along at a concert. In 2014, the Youth and Children’s Toonkunstkoor Emmen was established in order to involve young people in classical music.
