Too much pressure on rebellious girls?

S.scientists, entrepreneurs, engaged in politics, in sport: in the wake of Bedtime stories for rebellious girls by Elena Favilli and Francesca Cavallo (8 million copies translated into 51 languages, brought to Italy by Mondadori in 2017) the publication and sales of books dedicated to female empowerment have exploded.

From Samantha Cristoforetti to Chiara Ferragni: stories of the Italian 'rebels'

Rebellious girls: incitement or challenge?

Some argue that these volumes, created with the aim of encouraging girls to fulfill their wishes, they end up becoming the severe yardstick with which they are called to measure themselves. Elena Favilli, who remained at the helm of the project after the release of Cavallo, rejects the observations. “This risk would exist if the books only offered a single model to which to adapt»He comments.

“Instead the rebellious girls we write about aren’t just famous and winning womenbut also those who have done apparently simple things such as opening a restaurant to assert their independence, or driving a car rebelling against local conventions that would like to close them at home. We emphasized the goal achieved as well as the obstacles on the way, together with the tenacity, the passion of the protagonists. All qualities that it is important to cultivate regardless of what you want to do with your life ». In fact, however, the selection discards all those who are not interested in the podium.

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Bedtime Stories for Rebel Girls, by Francesca Cavallo, Elena Favilli, Mondadori

It is the lack of alternatives that creates a prison for girls and women in our societynot being exposed to the multiplicity of choices »concludes Favilli.

