Too little vaccine in 247 booster shots due to mistake GGD West Brabant | Inland

Instead of the usual 0.25 milliliters, they were given about 0.15. The rest remained in the syringe, a spokeswoman confirms after reporting by Omroep Brabant.

Wrong needles

The problem was that the wrong needles and syringes were combined. “We regret this. Someone didn’t pay attention, it was human error,” the spokeswoman said. She emphasizes that people do not have to worry about harmful consequences. Anyone who received the too low dose was informed by telephone or email after the error was discovered.

In consultation with the RIVM, the GGD has advised all those involved to come and get a new booster shot. “The maximum dose is 0.5 millilitres, so you stay well below that.” The health service could not yet say how many people followed the advice.
